Friday, September 9, 2011

Black Out

I am not entirely sure where the last couple of days have gone. Maybe into the 30+ pairs of sunglasses we've made and shipped out (how are we still behind?) or the 8 hour city wide power outage that left us in the dark with no technology or ability to continue working. It was actually kind of nice to take a few hours off from the rest of the world. I couldn't respond to etsy convos or emails (my phone is in pieces on our dining room table, more on that later...) we went for a walk with our neighbors, sat out side our shop with the rest of Adams Avenue and watched the craziness ensue. It was funny to see people coming from the store with cases of beer and canned food, everyone was on their cell phone and people were drinking in the street. Nobody knows what to do when the power goes off. Which makes me think about how tied we are to technology and electricity.

Doug and I cooked dinner in the dark (Tilapia and veggies, so good) and lit a million candles and just hung out. Played with the dogs, talked about our shop, our life. It's so easy to get caught up in the habit of being on the computer, watching movies and listening to music, so honestly, a little break was nice.

There will be no break for us today, I am 100% sure we will be at the shop for the next 24 hours getting set up because tomorrow is opening day! How exciting is that?? We can't wait to open the doors, but there really is so much to do! Speaking of opening, did you get a chance to see this nice article written in the citybeat about our shop? Made us so very happy!!!

Well, time to get to it! I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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