Saturday, November 17, 2012

Tumbleweeds Gift Guide for the Best Friend

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We hope you enjoy this sweet gift guide for your best friend! Have you started holiday shopping yet? We're a little bit obsessed. 

ps. Sorry for the silence around here, it hasn't been an easy week, or an easy month for that matter. I hope to be blogging a lot more often. Thanks for sticking around. I love you all. - Beca


  1. Oh wow!!! I adore #s 3, 4, 7 and 8! So pretty!

  2. Replies
    1. kinship press is the shop who makes the sweaters and the ring is from midwest alchemy. I just fixed the links.

  3. Number one just takes me back to blogger's homepage. I wonder if that cat comes in a boyish t-shirt version. My best friend is a library director with two cats, it would be so ridiculously perfect for him, but he doesn't wear sweatshirts. Cute picks, Maggie.

  4. I really want number one! It is fantastic!
